
Summer Feed Storage – What You Need to Know

Summer Feed Storage – What You Need to Know

We all know summer brings heat, as well as important considerations when storing poultry and any other pet or livestock feed.  We think about summer feed storage and keeping feed the right way and serving it to your flock in the most efficient way, saving you time and money. I have likely made all the mistakes that can be made in my poultry keeping days, so hopefully my experience can help some of you be the best livestock keepers you can be. When I buy a bag of feed and bring it home, I pour it slowly into a metal...

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Fly Control in Cattle Herds

Fly Control in Cattle Herds

Fly control is a critical part of an integrated pest management system and reducing your overall production costs. While there may not be a silver bullet for fly control, there are steps you can take to build a season-long fly control program.  First, know your flies – house, stable, horn and face. They each have their own characteristics that effect productivity on beef cattle.   House flies have been implicated in the transmission of 65 disease organisms with populations that can burst out of control in a short period of time.  Stable flies have one of the most painful bites of...

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Reasons Your Dog Licks Excessively – And What to Do About It

Reasons Your Dog Licks Excessively – And What to Do About It

Licking is one way a dog senses its world, and occasional licking is perfectly normal behavior and nothing to be concerned about. When your dog licks excessively, however, it can be an indication of underlying problems, or the licking itself could cause problems and injuries. Understanding why your dog licks can help you identify any potential difficulties and redirect your dog’s behavior. How Much Licking Is Too Much? Licking is normal behavior for a dog to groom itself, express affection, and taste objects, and some casual licking can be comforting and soothing to the animal. Too much licking, however, is...

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Caring for Newborn Calves

Caring for Newborn Calves

Cattle may seem hardy, but newborn calves can be weak and delicate, and proper care in the first few hours of their lives will greatly improve survival rates and the overall health of newborns. 5 Essential Steps in Newborn Calf Care Calving season can be hectic, with cows giving birth at all hours of the day and night, often in adverse conditions or inconvenient locations. These five key steps will help protect newborn calves, improving their chances of survival and helping them take strong steps into their new lives. Keep WarmCalves are highly susceptible to chills and hypothermia, particularly right...

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How to Prepare Your Garden in Spring for a Great Summer

How to Prepare Your Garden in Spring for a Great Summer

As daylight lengthens and temperatures warm, gardeners are always eager to get right into spring planting. If you look past the first flush of spring, however, you can take easy steps early in the season to give your garden a great summer. 10 Spring Steps for a Great Summer Garden It doesn’t matter how large your garden may be, whether you plant in containers, raised beds, small plots, or longer rows, or whether you grow vegetables, fruits, flowers, or herbs. These simple steps can help you prepare your garden in spring so the summer growing season will be easier, healthier,...

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