
Managing Mineral Intake

Managing Mineral Intake

Minerals are an important part of the total ration for cows and calves. They are necessary for reproduction, health, growth and milk production. In most areas, minerals are not adequate in the forage or concentrate and must be provided. Many times, that is in the form of a free-choice product in a mineral feeder. It’s a common thought that cows will regulate themselves on mineral and will eat the amount they need, but there are so many factors impacting intake that you can’t depend on the cow to balance her own needs. Two factors that can be easily adjusted are...

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Five Common Nutritional Mistakes

Five Common Nutritional Mistakes

We all understand the benefits of good nutritional habits. Sometimes what we know in principal and what we do in our everyday life can be two different things. The following are the five most common nutritional mistakes we make as pet owners. Not measuring the food: One of the most common mistakes owners make is measuring their pet’s food. While there are a very few pets that will just eat the number of calories that their body requires, this is uncommon. Most pets, if given the choice of free feeding, will tend to overeat. Some do this out of boredom,...

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Molting: The Naked Truth

Molting: The Naked Truth

There comes a time in every chicken’s life (usually around 14 – 18 months old) where they start to lose all their feathers, look gangly and downright ugly. But don’t be alarmed! This is a natural process that occurs annually. This process is called molt. What is molt? Molt is the natural shedding of feathers and regrowth of new ones. This usually happens in the fall as day length shortens. It is the chickens way to refresh old feathers and grow new ones for the coming winter. Molt happens in an expected order, starting at the head, down the back,...

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Chicken Coop Plans: Creating a Delightful Chicken Home

Chicken Coop Plans: Creating a Delightful Chicken Home

Fall is the best season for a family to prepare for the delightful experience of welcoming a small flock of chickens to the backyard. For poultry newcomers, fall gives them plenty of time to research the breeds they’d like to welcome, acquire, design or create and research chicken coop plans or build a coop, and read up on chicken care. Perhaps there’s even time to visit other families who already have chickens or take a beginning chicken class at a nearby farm store or nature center. This is the first in a series of blogs that will detail the construction...

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What’s in Poultry Feed

What’s in Poultry Feed

One of the most common questions I am asked in my job time after time is “Can you tell me what is in your feed?” People are naturally curious about the ingredients in their animal’s feed and have been trained to read labels on the food we eat, so why not on the feed our animals eat? Most poultry feeds consist of similar main ingedients, the most common of which are discussed below: Soybean Meal – This is the most common form of plant protein, and if your feed tag lists “plant protein products” as an ingredient, chances are soybean meal is what is...

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